After collecting for many years, Paul Henry delved into customizing and scratch building as a hobby, becoming an accomplished modeler.
“In reflecting back, I thought about how my mechanical interest evolved. As a youngster, I loved riding on the tractor with my dad. Then, at the anxious age of 8, I got behind the steering wheel of our John Deere Model B tractor and drove it for the first time. Like most farm kids, I tinkered with stuff that laid around to see what I could make. So, I cobbled together a motor scooter. That mechanical interest has carried forward into my senior years,” Henry says.
With regrets, we wish to note
Paul Henry died Oct. 25. While he saw and approved his Twin City tractors story, he was unable to see it published. Paul lived a wonderful life for 89 years and experienced great fulfillment building scale models during his final years. Paul will be
missed by those who knew him.
To see full story look for the December 2024 edition of Toy Farmer.