Note: This feature is in the April TF 2017 issue.
The interest in custom- and scratch-built farm toys has grown through time. The roots for crafting toys can be traced to early times, when primitive toys were made from whatever materials were available. As time evolved, toys became more sophisticated. Wood was probably a common starting point to build a toy. A simple block of wood was transformed into a tractor, with four nails that served as axles and makeshift wheels using sewing thread spools. Or a tobacco can was cut in half to create a make-believe wagon. The imagination to build toys was limitless. Craftsmen continued to add detail utilizing wood or metal such as cast-iron. And with each generation of toys, more detail was added. However, mass-produced toys had limitations regarding detail. So craftsmen customized those toys by adding features to more closely duplicate the original tractor or implement. When a tractor or piece of equipment had not been made commercially, craftsmen created scale models from scratch. As the interest in these custom pieces grew, a niche within the farm toy hobby developed. Many builders have applied their craft to not only scale model farm equipment, but also pedal tractors. The replicas include handcrafted wooden toys with exquisite detail. Precision detailed models utilizing die-cast aluminum have also surfaced. frequently used components include soft metal and/or brass. Or models use 3-D printing technology. Many cherished and valuable models have been created over time by gifted craftsmen. To read the rest of this story, subscribe to TF at: or buy the online version at: |